After this long lockdown period, there will be an extraordinary support plan for the wedding sector: this was announced by the President of the Apulia Region, Michele Emiliano.
You have to convince people not to postpone their wedding until the new year, it could be very important, he explains. A few days ago, therefore, work began on consultation between the regional task force and the trade associations for the safe reopening of catering, wedding and entertainment activities. The Committee will accompany Apulia in this monitoring work for a year, thus subjecting everything that happens to scrutiny.
What we are doing together today,” commented Governor Michele Emiliano, “is a huge effort for all of us. We are aware that all the decisions to be taken in this phase 2 must be taken from the bottom up, sharing them with all those who will then have to put them into practice. Emiliano then dwelt in particular on “ceremonies and reception room managers”. “From this point of view, said Emiliano – there are undoubtedly very important epidemiological issues. That’s why we think that this particular wedding sector could use an extraordinary support plan. Convincing people not to postpone their wedding until next year could be important. If we could manage to give concrete help to couples who want to get married, inducing them to make the overall investment, that would be perfect and desirable. In short, the Region of Apulia is also taking part in the wedding gift for young newlyweds.