The charm of the majolica tiles that adorn the interiors and facades of Portuguese houses attracted the attention of the Italian fashion house, which reinterpreted the colours while keeping the designs faithful.
Walking through the Portugal it is impossible not to notice the beautiful azulejos, majolica tiles with unmistakable geometric or figurative motifs. bright blue colour that cover many interior and exterior surfaces (including, for example, the walls of public places, apartment halls and underground stations, fountains, patios, floors, bar counters, altars and Baroque churches), or even the building facades.
Their use is very ancient: contrary to popular belief, the word azulejo is not derived from Portuguese azul (i.e. blue) but from Arabic az-zuleiq, which literally means polished stone: the azulejos – or rather their direct ancestors, known as alicatadoand consisting of thin slabs of glazed and coloured clay used to cover floors and (more rarely) walls – would in fact have come into being in the Medieval as poorer imitationof precious arab glass paste mosaics, visible for example in the famous Alhambra in Granada.
Thanks to a careful study, designer Tullio di Lorenzo reinvents the fabrics for the 2020 collection, exclusivity and character are part of this colourful collection.
The collection is completed by a flower capsule in bright colours combined with madras designs in a playful and dynamic mix and match.